
Thursday 1 June 2017

learn how you can create multiple configuration files in single project

Hello to everyone. Please read this article to learn how you can create multiple configuration files in single project. this article help you to define separate configuration files during development process, like one file for live, one for testing and one for QA guys. please like and share for more useful articles.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Using Stored procedure in Entity framework

So stored procedures using entity framework is so easy. For big application where you can't stick with linq queries and write other operations you can use This option which help you a lot.

Read more About here

Sunday 20 September 2015

Use Angular JS MVC architecture inside a MVC application.

AngularJS work on MVC architecture so we take benefit of it in our mvc applications. Another benefit of AngularJS is HTML Template rendering. Asp MVC Snippets bring a new article which show you how you can integrate Angular JS in your application and then using this defined architecture call your MVC controller for fetching data and render in HTML...

Please see this Article for more details

Learn how we set-up a angular JS environment inside a Application.

Now a days Java script libraries are very popular. one of these is AngularJS. Asp MVC Snippets bring you article which show you how you can setup a angular JS environment inside a MVC application.

For Details. Please see this article


Friday 28 August 2015

learn how we can use Ajax.BeginForm in MVC MVC provide facility to render partial views using ajax technique. for this purpose Ajax.Beginform used.

See this MVC article to learn how we can achieve this. 

Saturday 22 August 2015

Find specific column from whole database with single query

Most of the time database is so big that you can't remember where is the specific field or column or which table contain it. so i bring a simple solution for you .
Here is the detail of  finding a column from database schema.

Use multiple get methods and in single web API controller.

WEB API is very flexible feature provided by Microsoft. you can expose your data using WEB API over HTTP. send and receive data on different platforms regardless platform compatibility.

By using WEB API you may face issue that how define two GET or POST methods inside a single controller. yes this is possible and using Attribute routing you can achieve this goal.

Please Visit my website link for details.

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